Alumni Association
New York Tri-State Chapter
Monthly Meetings 2021
January 16, 2020
Our virtual meeting began at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Karen Sinclair led us in prayer. There were 38 members in attendance.
Excused absences: Yvette Trotman, Terry Stuart, Paula Hazlewood
Reading of the Minutes
Reading of the minutes was done by Sharon Thomas. All corrections were done in real-time. The minutes were accepted by Dawn McDonald and seconded by Lynette Davson.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Cleveland John
December 2020
Beginning balance: $48,686.14
Disbursements $ 4,069.36 (scholarships, tax preparation, Goods & Welfare)
Receipts $ 0.00
Interest $ 0.00
Ending balance: $ 44,616.78
Cleveland John wanted to thank all who had paid their dues recently. These amounts will be reflected in January’s report.
The treasurer’s report was accepted by Barbara Chase and seconded by Jo-Ann Davis-Valz.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Social Media: Wayne Knight (Wayne) was hoping that Jackie Smartt and/or Martin McDougal would be available to give an update, but unfortunately neither is at today’s meeting.
The website/online presence is being revamped. The monthly minutes will be uploaded on the website. Wayne went back to the minutes when the website was discussed earlier, and at that time we had agreed the minutes would be put online without the treasurer’s report. This will change. The minutes will be uploaded as-is. Wayne spoke to Debra Dover and she will be updating the website on a rolling 12-month basis. This will be available to dues-paying members only. Any member who has paid their dues will be provided with a password to review the minutes. Printing and emailing access will not be provided. Karen Sinclair asked why the financials were being omitted. Wayne reiterated that they will be left in as we have changed our prior thinking. Gail Bindley Taylor said that we need to be transparent, and it is important for any organization to be held publicly accountable.
Reunion: Today Wayne received a call from a member regarding refunds from the 2020 canceled reunion. He said this seems to be a point of contention and people are frustrated. He does not personally know what the holdup is. Wayne said he will get together with the Executive and draft a letter regarding our members’ concerns about their refunds.
Diamond Masks: For Christmas, the Diamond committee sent out masks with the school logo on it. Several people appeared interested in purchasing additional masks. Wayne commented that we should only order what people demand, rather than order with the hope of selling those items. Since we are not sure what that demand is, it would be difficult to plan the quantities to purchase for resale to the members at this time. Wayne further said that we need to be careful so as not to end up with stock that we are unable to sell. Brenda Wharton-Ellis showed the mask and there was some interest. The cost appears to be about $6.25 per mask, plus postage. Someone will have to be responsible for coordinating this endeavor. Brenda Wharton-Ellis will follow up and advise.
Book Review-The Fault in Our Stars: The members who read this book and/or watched the film held an engaging, lively, and stimulating discussion. Denise Roman said that she recommended the book as many of us don’t have an understanding of what teenagers go through with a cancer diagnosis. A few members felt that although the book/film was emotional, it was inspiring and they felt it could relate to any age group. Monique Davidson-Tucker said it reminded her of a friend who was terminal; Wayne said that it reminded him of Alex Trebek and Patrick Swayze and how they were able to go on even with their diagnosis; Camille Boxhill said she never really felt sad, but felt encouraged and found some parts amusing; Lynette Davson said she put the book in perspective and finds that it went beyond cancer; Margaret Briggs said that she felt that the movie went beyond the teenagers and was a metaphor for our lives and how we should grab hold of life; Lourdeth Ferguson said she felt it made her realize “we” need to be more intentional. Gail Nunes felt the movie was engaging, and not too heavy.
After much discussion, books for February and March 2021 book reviews were chosen. February’s book is The Barracoon-The Story of the Last Black Cargo recommended by Lynette Davson. March’s book is The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and recommended by Abigail Rodriguez. Cleveland John will give a presentation for Black History Month.
Christmas/Charitable Donations: Pattie Briggs gave us an update on our annual donation to the Children’s Christmas party. It was held at the Amphitheater in Brooklyn. The Guardian Angels did a good job in controlling the crowd and it went very well. The party was held from 12 – 2 pm, but the toys were all distributed by 1:30 pm. Snacks were also given out.
Wayne said that he has a friend who has an annual Christmas party and he asks all his guests to bring a gift and then he goes to the hospital and distributes the gifts. He suggested that we try doing a toy drive at Christmas. Denise Roman suggested giving to a shelter. Lourdeth Ferguson said that in September 2021, she plans on giving back to Guyana and is looking for ideas. Margaret Briggs said that last year a lot of shelters got gifts and many had leftover gifts. Janice Innis-Cox said that in the past the Chapter gave gifts to local schools. Dawn McDonald said that her church does a coat drive. Wayne suggests we should revisit this in September 2021, and pick an organization to donate. Barbara Chase said that people tend to be very generous at Christmas time and she suggests that we pick a different time of the year.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm with the closing prayer by Karen Sinclair.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Thomas
Secretary - BHS NY Tri-State Alumni Association
BHS Tri-State Chapter P.O. Box 02-0039 Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn NY 11201
Cleveland John is a graduate of Brooklyn College in the disciplines of Accounting/Finance. He has over twenty years as a Treasury Cash Manager on Wall Street (Broadridge, TD Waterhouse and Goldman Sachs).
He has also served as Treasurer of Bishops High School Alumni Association, New York Tri-State Chapter for two consecutive 2- year terms. He is also actively involved in Community outreach programs. Cleveland is a very dedicated member Health & Education Relief Organization for Cancer(H.E.R.O.C) and is very involved in giving back to his homeland.
Member of Utopian Dramatists Theatre Workshop. Performed in numerous plays as well as a stint in an Off Broadway play- The Passage of the Maafa.
Life is simple - We are the ones who add complexity to it. Enjoy it - dance, sing, swim, read books, travel and always remember to wear a SMILE...
Audrey Smith-Hogan is the secretary of the NY Chapter of the Bishop’s High School (BHS) Alumni Association.
She is a graduate of the class of “85 Audrey wears many different hats, wife, mother, and minority business woman. She is also active, both as a contributor and participant, in many philanthropic endeavors, such as, breast cancer awareness.
Audrey is unapologetically Guyanese/Caribbean/West Indian and is a huge patron of all aspects of Caribbean Arts & Culture. Her love of soca music is unrivaled amongst family and friends. Audrey is an ardent tennis fan, and an avid reader.
“Being a member of the BHS Alumni Family has afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with individuals who share my passion, conviction and commitment to helping young people grow and progress, especially young students back in Guyana. Transforming lives by ‘giving back’ or ‘paying forward’ is truly an enriching and fulfilling experience”
Sharon Thomas has been a Litigation Specialist at a major insurance company for over 25 years. She graduated from Dowling College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.
Sharon has mentored in the Patchogue-Medford School district for over 10 years. She is the proud mother of an accomplished son and daughter, who are her pride and joy. Sharon enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and her happiest moments are spending quality time with others. She also loves traveling and can often be found planning her “next adventure” before the memories of the last vacation fade.
Sharon has been an active member of the Tri-State Alumni Association for over 12 years and intends to continue in this capacity as long as she is able.
Margaret Briggs has been a member of the Association for sixteen years, has served as the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Treasurer, Vice President and President. Enjoys yoga.
It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to give back to the School that laid the foundation for the woman that I have become.